Lester's LA Blog


Thursday, February 26, 2009


Got my Geo, His and Chi results!


This is my marks:

Geo: 24 and a half/30 :) _>_>__>_>__>Integrated humans
. . .. ... . .. ... . .. . . . . . .. ... ... ^
His: 18/20 :) _>__>_>__>__>_ ^

Chi: 44/80 T.T


Yea so I'm a 'human' !

Monday, February 23, 2009


Note: This is an assignment given by our language arts teacher.


Today during reading period, I saw an article from The Straits Times with the title, '74 dead in Shanxi mine explosion'. This article is about a gas explosion that ripped through a coal mine in northern China yestersay, killing at least 74 miners. It was the worst accident to hit the nation's mines in more than a year with 114 miners under observation at hospital, including five whose injuries were "relatively serious".

I think this article is a plot-driven story as the main focus of the article is on the plot, which is the mine explosion.

The gas explosion happened the day after senior provincial officials held a conference about mine safety, in which they pledged to try to put an end to deadly mine accidents. I think that this officials should do a better job in putting an end to these accidents instead of just saying as actions speak louder than words.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Saw a squirrel again...


Why are squirrels so common in my school? The squirrel was climbing a short tree (maybe its not. It looks like bamboo). Its about the size of my forearm and its quite cute...
5th time seeing a squirrel in campus...

Talking about cute, my hamsters are all grown! Their eyes are open and they are getting so big. 2 of them are white and the rest are striped.


Oh yes. The history test today was rather easy. We had 5 MCQ questions (5m), 1 question on elaboration skills (5m) and 2 questions on inference skills (10m). 40 minutes to do and when I finished, there was still 20 mins.


Band practice today. Still don't know what instrument I'm getting... They say we will know next week. We did some theory and then witness the main band practicing a grade 6 or 7 piece. The conducter's score was made of A3 paper!


It's finally time to relax and have some computer gaming!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Saw a squirrel today...


The chinese test was horrible.

Many blanks. We needed to write 生字 based on its 汉语拼音. 10 questions, 20 marks.

Then we were given a sentence with a blank and we were to write a 成语 in it.10 questions, 20 marks.

Did not do. We must write about 李光前and what are his contributions. 1 question, 8 marks.

Unfinished. 理解问答. 5 questions, 20 marks.

Not so sure. 私涵's format. 1 question, 12 marks.

We must write about how we are filial to our parents according to弟子规. 1 question, 10 marks.

Total 100 marks

We were given 1h 10min to do... Wasn't enough time.


Saw a squirrel during recess today. It climbed a tree from the 1st storey to the 2nd storey and dashed through the 2nd storey walkway. Then it jumped out and hung on to the wall and climbed the pipe. It was like hopping up bit by bit and jumped onto the 2nd storey walkway's shelter (my school is very open so it's more exposed to rain). It then jumped up onto the rooftop and ran along it. I tried to change my handphone camera into video mode and when I looked back up, it was gone.

4th time seeing a squirrel in campus.


Yes! The science test tomorrow was postponed to next thursday. Its finally time to rest!

Monday, February 16, 2009


My maths test results are out!!


And my result is...18 and a half /40 !!!
Ok I failed. T.T

Need to take retest next Wednesday...


On the way home today, I met Jeshua's mother and Dion Lim on the bus.


The infocomm studies test today was horrible... Maybe a second failure??



Geo test

Language Arts test



Saturday, February 14, 2009


Happy Valentine's Day people!!!


Hope you guys get to go out with your beloved one!!!


I'm so lonely... Sobs*

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Oh My God!

Oh My God! I did not finish my maths test!!


Oh My God! Today's geography lesson is so...don't know how to say. Erm, very er...I don't know.
The teacher's dress was translucent...Can see everything...
Okay this is sick, but if you see her, you would 100% notice it...


Oh My God! The maths test was so tedious! I spent more than 5 mins on a part question like 1a) or 3f) or 8g). We were only given like 1 hour to do 10 extremely tedious questions...
When my maths teacher said that we left 10 mins, I was still at question 6!!!! Almost my whole class had not finished the test.
A percentage of 99.99% chance of failing this test... $#%@^&!


Oh My God! I am so NOT anticipating next week...

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I'm so bored...


Today, I went to Funan the IT mall to upgrade my PC. After that, I went to the food court and ate a dinner of roti prata. It was so expensive! Costs over $5 for a meal...


Tomorrow, I will be going for a learning journey till 6 p.m. Maybe I'ill be back at around 7+...
So, I don't think I'ill be posting.


The day after tomorrow, there will be a Geo Test! Argh! I hate tests. Seriously. Truly.



Friday, February 6, 2009


My favourite lesson, Music, is in my timetable today!


I love my music teacher, Mr Tan BB. His sooo funny!!


Today, I stayed back till 5 p.m. for the band orientation. My seniors rock! Okay, they also performed to us a piece and it was so nice.

After that, I took bus 156 home. The bus was those kind for the handicapped and there were like more than 30 people on board and standing. I stood all the way for more than 30 mins...
I feel that SBS Transit should not create such a bus as most handicapped people takes taxis or cars. Very rarely do they take a bus as it is very inconvenient. Even if they do take the bus, it is unnecessary to have two spots for the handicapped. This wastes space for seats and inconveniences the other people. If SBS Transit changes the spots into seats, more than half of the people standing can be seated.


Oh man! Tests are coming! In the coming 2 to 3 weeks, there will be more than 8 tests... I truly hate tests...


Luckily, I finished all my weekend homework in school! Yes, its time to enjoy the weekends!
I will be sleeping in an air-conditioned room tonight. Yeah!

Thursday, February 5, 2009




Today in school, the 1st period is science. We 'played' with the bunsen burner and I got burnt by the luminous flame. Aw. But it it doesn't hurt, its just a bit reddish. After that, I boiled water in a test tube with the bunsen burner and it spurt out. Twice. It was rather cool and it shot about 1 metre in the air.

Ahhhhh!!!!! I forgot to bring art block today!! Getting forgetful this days...


Yeah! I just found out today that my CCA is school band !!!!!!! WooHoo!


I have made up my mind of what subjects I like and hate...:


Infocomm studies




Arts and Acts of Persuassion


Argh! Need to do homework! Its so boring...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


When can I play??


Today, my class was very rowdy and got 1 guy in our class banged the teacher's table very loudly. The teacher from downstairs came up and scolded us... Told us to write a 300 word reflection...zzZ After this, our next teacher came in and told us to write another 500 word reflection... Adds up to 800 words, that's more than a normal essay! So, I finished the 300 word reflection at 1.47p.m. (we were to stay back..)and I started at 1.27p.m. Fast right? So the 500 word one, I took like 16 mins to finish 400+ words. I have not finished it yet... Luckily, we were supposed to pass it up on Friday. Lucky. Very.


So I went home and slacked awhile (watching TV). And now I am so bored...


Oh yes. Yesterday while taking the bus home, I saw a strange uncle on the bus. He was wearing a very big and round glasses with two chains at the side. He was like smiling to every single person on the bus and talked to a St. Joseph student (I think)while smiling in a very strange manner. My friend and I were sitting on the bus together when we saw this man. We were staring at him and when he saw us looking at him, he smiled widely at us and we turned away quicky... Sometimes I caught glances of him and saw him still looking at us... Scary... Hope not to meet this strange uncle again.


Wow I didn't know my class has so many table tennis fans.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Sorry for not posting for some time...


Today after coming home from school, I found out that my hamster had given birth! There were 6 babies, all very red... But they were cute. Ya...Yea.


Okay now I'm doing my homework so see ya.