Lester's LA Blog


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Task 2

Following up with Rainbow Death by Hubert Wilson...

1. Point of view:
This poem was from the point of view of Hubert Wilson, who was a Vietnamese War veteran who served in the USAF Security Service.
Now thinking twice? Toll on the innocent and unborn."
This was a message that Hubert Wilson was conveying to the Americans, showing that it was from his point of view.

2. Situation and Setting:
This poem talks about the spraying of
a herbicide and defoliant contaminated with TCDD, Agent Orange and the innocent deaths that follows from the poisoning.
Generations untold WILL pay -Execrable effects of agent orange spray!"
This shows that the poem is talking about the innocent generation of children that will pay for what the Americans have done, which is the agent orange spray.

3. Language/Diction:
The poet was angry at the Americans.
America did not foresee green, pink, purple and other colors death potpourri!"
The poet was angry that the Americans did not see that the "Rainbow Herbicides" could cause death .

4. Personal Response:
This poem talks about the lethality of chemical warfare and how it affects the victims of it. It shows that in a modern war, death does not occur during it, but also after it, which is very saddening as generations of innocent people are poisoned due to the selfishness of their past generations.


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