Lester's LA Blog


Sunday, March 1, 2009


Yay! This is my 20th post!


My father's in America! Ok that's like a few weeks ago but I keep forgetting to post it. So now I finally remembered to post. YAY!

And my hamsters gave birth again... @#%?&! Totally no space so my brother gave some away... Anyway, this thing happened about a week ago and I also forget to post... So now I finally remembered to post. YAY!


And I finished the literature book 'Nothing But The Truth' yesterday... No it's today at 1.20am...
Okay the book was rather nice. Great book. 4 stars.


Oh and my science mark is 26/40... B3 and still need to write reflection on why I got such a grade... 200 words so adds up to a total of 1000words of reflection... Can start a 'Reflection Words Record'...


Yea whatever..
Signing off!


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