Lester's LA Blog


Saturday, March 21, 2009




My brother's got a new phone! It's iPhone... You guys should know.

I wanted this phone too... Got enough money in my bank to buy it... Should I consider it...?

Dam its so good... Touch screen... Very cool design... Expensive... Nice...

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Let's start doing the homework!!


The Pledge...

I, Lester, from today onwards, shall start to do the holiday homework.


Ok I shall start

Monday, March 16, 2009


My Dad's home!


Yea! My dad's home from America. Got many Levi's jeans, US$30+ each when Singapore is S$150+. It's so cheap.


And I went to the MSG grade website thing and found my score to be 3.83... Wonder how they counted it.


Homework is so boring... It's time to procrastinate and play first. lol

Friday, March 13, 2009


Yo I'm back from camp!


The camp sucks and its so unfair. The people in my consortium was sleeping in tents that are so hot, no lights, no fans and worst of all, no canvas base. The ground was extremely muddy and grassy and dirty and insecty. The canvas was so thick that the whole inside of the tent was burning. And when we open the flap of the "door" to cool down the tent, insects keep coming in. Cockroaches, ants (big black or red ones), mosquitoes, grasshoppers, crickets, centipede, millipede, strange small flies and dumb beetles.

The other consortiums Aphelion and ProEd were staying in the A huts. The I-sparks (GEP pupils) were staying in the dorms, which has many fans, lights, a floor, less insects and more spacious. My consortium was pissed off by them, treated so well while we were suffering. We paid for the camp!

Everyone, regardless of race, should be equal. Its so unfair for our consortium when they are relaxed and pampared while we are suffering like hell.


And surprisingly, I managed to wake up on time. This was extremely shocking to me...
The food at camp was as usual, crappy. Only the milo for breakfast and supper was undiluted.


The campfire night was disappointing. Firstly, we did not a campfire site (the rocky ones). So we had to take the benches from the canteen, which is small and had to squeeze 5 people, to a grass patch for the campfire. We were sitting behind so we could not see a thing. And also, the I-sparkies had 'kopitiam' chairs with a back rest and no squeezing was needed. They were "qiao jiao" ing, makesus all pissed.


Overall, the camp totally sucks. I hate camps!!!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


My back is aching and my throat is sore. And tomorrow is CAMP!!!!
Damn! I hate camps... So boring.


Everyday I'm like playing 6 to 8 hours of computer games and I'm gonna miss the play time during camp...


Talking about games, I'm finally level 17 in Gunz! I know how to 'butterfly', climb a wall by changing from a sword to a gun and back and also how to trash people. lol


Since I'm going to camp this few days, I would not be posting any posts...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I got my english marks yesterday. Got a B4.

Here are my grades:

Infocomm Studies-B4
Language Arts-B4


Not bad lah.


We were supposed to write another reflection during LA lesson yesterday... 600 words.
Total of reflection words: 1600
Wow a shocking amount. Expecting more in the days to come...

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Yay! This is my 20th post!


My father's in America! Ok that's like a few weeks ago but I keep forgetting to post it. So now I finally remembered to post. YAY!

And my hamsters gave birth again... @#%?&! Totally no space so my brother gave some away... Anyway, this thing happened about a week ago and I also forget to post... So now I finally remembered to post. YAY!


And I finished the literature book 'Nothing But The Truth' yesterday... No it's today at 1.20am...
Okay the book was rather nice. Great book. 4 stars.


Oh and my science mark is 26/40... B3 and still need to write reflection on why I got such a grade... 200 words so adds up to a total of 1000words of reflection... Can start a 'Reflection Words Record'...


Yea whatever..
Signing off!